LinkWare Live’s asset management function helps you locate and identify your assets in the field.
Check out the asset management function in this demo video.
Note: To use this function, you need to be the account owner or have administrative privileges.
Turn asset management on or off
For the most accurate location information
See the assets last used with the main tester
Turn asset management on or off
You can enable or disable the asset management service only with LinkWare Live. There is no setting on the tester that enables or disables this service.
- In LinkWare Live, tap your name in the upper-right corner, then make sure the correct organization is selected.
- In the menu under your name, tap Account & Settings, then tap the Tool Asset Management slider to change its setting. The Tool Asset Management setting applies to all the projects in the selected organization.
When a technician in the field signs a tester in to LinkWare Live and selects that organization, the asset management icon shows at the top of the tester’s screen.
If the LinkWare Live owner turns off asset management, the icon on the tester's screen goes away the next time the technician signs the tester in to LinkWare Live.
For the most accurate location information
To give the most accurate location information for the asset management map, technicians in the field should use a Wi-Fi connection to sync testers to LinkWare Live.
When technicians use a wired connection, the geolocation service often shows the address of a network center in the Internet Service Provider's network. A Wi-Fi connection lets the service get more information about the connection and other connections nearby, which helps it show a more accurate location.
Locate your assets
When a technician in the field syncs a tester to LinkWare Live, LinkWare Live updates this information on the Assets page:
- A map that shows the last-known location of your assets. Pins on the map show where Versiv testers were synced to LinkWare Live. Tap a pin to see the assets used there.
- The serial numbers of the testers, modules, and adapters used for synced projects.
- The testers' firmware versions and calibration statuses.
To locate an asset on the map
- Tap the asset in the list to see the asset's location on the map.
- Use the search box. Enter the asset's serial number or model number, or a project or operator associated with the asset. The location shows on the map, and the asset is highlighted on the All Tools or Tool Sets tab. To see all assets on the tab again, tap the X in the search box.
See the assets last used at a location
Tap on a pin on the map. A list of assets shows above the pin. Tap an asset to locate it on the All Tools or Tool Sets tab.
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