Pins on the map show where Versiv testers were synced to LinkWare Live.
The pin is green if the status of all assets used at the pin's location is ok. The pin is red or yellow if an asset needs new software or calibration.
Tap a pin to see the assets used there.
To locate an asset
- To see an asset's location on the map, tap the asset in the list. The location where the asset was last synced shows on the map.
To see all assets again, tap the asset in the list again.
- To see an asset's location in the list and on the map, use the search box. Enter the asset's serial number or model number, or a project or operator associated with the asset. The location shows on the map, and the asset shows on the All Tools or Tool Sets tab.
To see all assets again, tap the X in the search box.
All Tools tab
The All Tools tab shows all the assets that have been synced to LinkWare Live.
When you tap on an asset in the list, the location where the asset was last synced shows on the map.
Tool Sets tab
The Tool Sets tab shows the assets that were used with a main tester. Tap a tester to see the assets.
If an adapter or module was used with more than one main unit, it shows under the last main unit it was used with.
Note: FiberInspector™ video probes do not show on the Assets pages
Tab Features
The asset’s status is ok. The asset's software is up-to-date and the asset does not require calibration.
The asset’s recommended calibration date has passed.
The asset’s firmware is out of date. You can use LinkWare Live or LinkWare PC to update the asset’s firmware.
To see more status information, tap an asset in the list. More information shows below the map.
Product Name: The type or model number of the asset. A Toolset is a group of assets that were used together.
Serial Number of the asset. The serial number for a toolset is for the main tester.
Project: The last project where the asset was used. On a tablet, tap an asset in the list. The project name shows below the map.
- Assets that do not have a project name in the Project column but show a Last Used time were used for results that were deleted on the tester or in LinkWare Live, or for tests that were not saved on the tester.
- Assets that do not have a project name in the Project column and show No test results in other columns were used for projects that were deleted on the tester and never synced to LinkWare Live.
Last Used: The time since the tester was last signed in or synced to LinkWare Live (whichever is more recent).
Synced By: The Operator name selected on the tester. On a tablet, tap an asset in the list to see the name below the map.
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